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Chinese translation for "blured picture"


Related Translations:
bluring:  污损
blur:  n.1.污点,污斑;污名。2.暧昧不明,一片模糊,模糊不清的东西〔声音〕。短语和例子blurs in one's life 历史污点。 a book full of blurs 满是污痕的书。 the foggy blur 雾气一片模糊。vt.(-rr-)1.把…弄模糊。2.污损,涂污,弄脏。vi.1.沾染污迹。2.变模糊。短语和例子Everything blurred a
blurs:  斜面边框
blurring operation:  模糊运算
blur width:  模糊宽度
blurred target:  模糊目标
karmir blur:  卡米尔布卢尔
intrinsic blurring:  固有模糊内在固有性模糊,固有污点
channel blur:  通道模糊
apply blur:  应用模糊
Example Sentences:
1.In case of in - door shooting , external flash will be used and inn case of our - door shooting in the evening , tripod or stand is recommended to avoid blurred pictures
2.Writing letters on behalf of a havel or sakharov sparks members ' enthusiasm far more than a few blurred pictures of a remote camp with anonymous inmates
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